Questions about PET
May 7, 2024 | FAQ
What does “PET” stand for?
Positron Emission Tomography
Will I be radioactive?
Yes. You will be radioactive for 6-8 hours following your PET scan. Please avoid contact with small children and pregnant women. Avoid close contact for long periods of time around other people and pets. Hydrate well after your exam to continually flush your system.
What can I eat?
If you are having a PSMA PET scan, there are no dietary restrictions. If you are having an FDG PET scan you must follow a high protein, no sugar, no starchy carbohydrate diet. If you have questions, please call our office.
I am diabetic. What if I can’t follow the diet or fast for the required period of time?
The diet is extremely important and has a direct relationship to the outcome of your exam. If you can’t safely follow the dietary prep you will need to discuss that with your provider. Please notify our PET Tech of your concerns.
Do I need a driver?
No. There are no side effects. You will not feel any different after the exam and you are able to drive yourself.
Why do I have to arrive so early for my exam?
The imaging material does not last long. The isotope is prepared specifically for you and calibrated for a specific injection time. You must be prepped and screened prior to injection time. Your prompt arrival, registration and check in are extremely important to your exam timing. If you arrive after your designated injection time, the isotope could be too decayed for diagnostic use and then the exam would be cancelled. If you cannot make your appointment, please call us immediately. We require a 24 hour notice for cancellation.
Will I feel anything with the injection?
No. There are no side effects during or after the injection. The PSMA isotope injection can sting a little when it goes in, but there are no side effects.
Can my husband/wife/friend come back with me?
No. This is a high radiation area and we are injecting a radioactive isotope, which radiates out of you. If other people were in the room with you, they would be radiated and receive a dose, which is not necessary for them.
Will I have any trouble if I have to go to the airport right after my exam?
No. Some imaging exams do require documentation when you go to the airport, but there are no issues with the PET scan.
Will I glow in the dark?
No. Unfortunately nothing cool like that will happen after your exam.
Why was my appointment cancelled due to a delayed flight?
The FDG isotope is created in a cyclotron and unfortunately, there are no cyclotrons in Alaska. The closest cyclotron is located in Seattle, WA. Your isotope is specifically for you and calibrated for a specific injection time. They are flown to Anchorage. Delayed or cancelled flights directly affect doses and can render them unusable if too much time passes, as the dose decays too much.